
End user license agreement

發(fā)布時間: 2022-06-22 10:06:21

This End User License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as this “Agreement”) is the agreement with legal effect entered into between You (whether as a natural person, corporation or any other organization; any natural person below the age of 18 shall read and sign this Agreement under the supervision of his/her designated guardian) and D&O Home Collection Group Co.,LTD (“We”) with respect to the Conference Now Product with the brand name ”MONARCH” (including but not limited to relevant software and services, hereinafter referred to as the “Product”). Before using the Product, please make sure to carefully read this Agreement. Any software, electronic documents and the like in connection with this Agreement shall be licensed to you for use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. In addition, this Agreement shall also be applicable to any subsequent releases and upgrades related to the Product. You clearly understand and acknowledge that you are entitled to accept or not to accept the terms of this Agreement. By accessing to or otherwise using the Product, you agree to accept the terms of this Agreement and be bound thereby. If you do not accept the terms of this Agreement, please stop using the Product and ensure that the Product and its components are in good condition.

End user licenses

Subject to your compliance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and your confirmation that you have received Product that is in conformity with the Product specifications, in good condition and has been installed properly, You may legally use the Product.

1. You undertake that you have confirmed and been aware of the following information:

(1) Certain services associated with the Product may only be used when access to the Internet (including but not limited to app stores, etc.) is available. You shall solely bear the network charges, expenses for use of third-party software and other expenses.

(2) If there are contents that are in violation of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement or infringe upon, preclude or threat the rights or safety any person, or if You pass yourself off as others, we will be entitled to determine in our sole discretion to take actions including, but not limited to, the following without any explanation: Remove any contents that are illegal, infringing or inappropriate from the services, prevent such contents from being in reliance of our products, whether in whole or in part, and keep the relevant information and report the same to the competent authorities pursuant to relevant laws and regulations.

(3) If You use the Product to store software programs, data, and other information, you should regularly back up the information contained in the storage media, so as to protect the content and prevent possible operational failures. You will be solely responsible for all liabilities caused as a result of the loss of your programs, data, and any other information stored therein.

2. You undertake and warrant that You will not to take any of the following actions:

(1) Copy, distribute, republish, display, post, modify, translate, combine, exploit, disassemble or decompile any part of the Product in any form or by any means whatsoever.

(2) Use the Product for the purpose of creating identical or competing services.

3. You undertake that you will be held liable accordingly for the following actions taken by You during your use of the Product:

(1) Undermine the fundamental principles defined in the constitution.

(2) Endanger the State security, release any State secret, subverts the State power, or separates the national unification.

(3) Compromise national honor and interests. Incite ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination, undermine national solidarity.

(4) Break religious policies of the State, or propagate evil cults or superstition.

(5) Spread rumors, disturb social order and undermine social stability.

(6) Disseminate obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or instigate crimes.

(7) Insult or slander others, or infringe upon others’ legitimate rights and interest.

(8) Other actions prohibited by laws, regulations and administrative rules.

Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

When You use our products or services, we may produce statistics on and analyze the information about the status of your use of our products, for the purpose of analyzing the usage of our products, calculating market share, improving services to enable us to improve our products and providing you with the best personalized user experience and personalized contents. We will take necessary measures to protect your personal information. You may choose to decline to provide personal information or only provide part of personal information, in which case we will not be able to provide You with our Product or services, or the Product or services we provide may fail to meet prevailing market requirements.

2. Methods

Here are some examples as to how we may collect personal information and how we will use such information:

(1) When You create your user account, purchase a product, download and update software or participate in an online survey, we may collect various information, including your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, contact information, usage preferences and credit card information etc.

(2) According to the law, when implementing real-name certification process for personal users, we may require you to provide a valid identity certificate issued by the government department, but only in limited exceptional cases.

3. Use

With the personal information we collect, we can keep you updated on latest product releases, software updates and event announcements.

We will also use personal information for the following purposes: to help us create, develop, operate, provide and improve our products, services, content and advertising, as well as other normal and reasonable business purposes.

We may use personal information to send important notices, such as information about the purchase, and changes to the terms, conditions and policies. Since such information is critical to our communication with You, in principle you cannot refuse to receive such information unless you stop using the Product and the related services.

4. Collection and use of non-personal information

We will also collect data that cannot be directly linked to any particular person by itself (ie, non-personal information). We may collect, use, transfer and disclose non-personal information for any purpose.

Here are some examples of how we can collect non-personal information and how we use such information:

We will collect information such as occupation, language, zip code, area code, unique device identifier, referral URL, location, and user's time zone when using the Product, so that we can better understand customers' behavior, improve our products, services and advertising.

We will collect information on your login, retrieval and other use of our website, software and app stores. We will summarize such information to help us provide you with more useful information, understand which parts of our website, products and services interest you most, and use such to improve the quality of our service so as to make it more correlated to You.

5. Cookies and other technology

Our websites, online services, software, e-mail and advertisements may use "cookies" and other technology such as pixel tags and website beacons. These technology help us to better understand your behavior and tell us what parts of our website are viewed and measure the effectiveness of your ads and web searches and improve them. If it is specified by the law that Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or similar identification marks shall be treated as personal information, we also treat such identification as personal information. Similarly, if non-personal information and personal information are used in combination, we will use the combined information in question as personal information.

Like most internet service providers, we automatically collect certain information and store it in a log file. Such information includes Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type and language, Internet service provider (ISP), referral/exit site and application software, operating system, date / timestamp, and clickstream data. We use such information to understand and analyze trends, manage websites, understand user behavior on the site, improve our products and services, and collect the overall audience characteristics of the user base. We may use such information for our marketing and advertising services.

6. Disclosure to third parties

According to the law, when it becomes necessary, We might be required to disclose your personal information, such as personal information involving national security, social stability and other sensitive events. In addition, if We are reorganized, merged or acquired, we can transfer all the personal information we collect to a relevant third party.

7. Protection measures

We attach great importance to the safety of your personal information. We will take necessary measures, such as transmission encryption technology, in the transmission process to protect your personal information. When storing your personal data, we will use computer systems with limited access, which are placed in facilities that are protected by physical security measures.

8. Search, correction and deletion

You can log on to the website designated for the Product to search and change your personal information at any time, so as to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date. We will retain your personal information for a period necessary to achieve the purpose of this Agreement, unless the law requires or permits such information to be retained for a longer period. When you decide to no longer use the Product and related services, you can ask us to delete your personal information by sending us an e-mail.

9. Other issues

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or data processing, please contact us.

We may update our privacy policy at any time. If we make significant changes to our privacy policy, we will post announcements and updated privacy policies on our website.


1. D&O Home Collection Group Co.,LTD may unilaterally change (including adding, removing, etc.), suspend, limit or terminate the contents of the Product in whole or in part without any notice if required by its business development.

2. The Product has been tested comprehensively, but no warranties about its full compatibility with all hardware and software systems and being completely free from errors can be given. If there is incompatibility of and errors in the software, you may notify D&O Home Collection Group Co.,LTD for technical support.

3. We do not warrant that:

(1) The Product is suitable for your requirements for use.

(2) The Product will not be interrupted or will be free from errors.

4. We will assume no legal liabilities for any tangible or intangible losses arising out of the following reasons:

(1) Service interruption, obstruction and the like which make your requirements unsatisfied as caused by any hacker attacks, computer virus invasion, shield from illegal contents or harassing messages, government control, and any other internet, technology, communication lines, measures for information security management, etc.

(2) Any losses due to your improper use or other reasons.

(3) Risks resulted from anonymous or pseudonymous information about others containing threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal contents during the use of the Product.

(4) Losses that you suffered as a result of communication line failures, technical problems, internet failures, computer failures, system instability, software quality problems and so on attributable to third parties, such as operators, software providers, etc.

(5) Any liability or loss arising from defects of intellectual property rights and other rights of third party software or services.

(6) Information leakage caused by your improper use or for other reasons attributable to yourself or third parties.

(7) Other circumstances under which losses are caused by force majeure.


1. This Agreement is subject to the interpretation of D&O Home Collection Group Co.,LTD

2. This Agreement shall come into force as of the date when you accept it. This Agreement may be amended are such amendment will be updated in the Product. If you disagree with the amendment to relevant terms of this Agreement made by Us, you are entitled to discontinue the use of the Product. Your continued use of the Product will be regarded as your acceptance of the amendments we made to relevant terms of this Agreement.

3. Conclusion, performance and interpretation of this Agreement, together with dispute resolution, shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. In case of any dispute over the contents or performance of this Agreement between the parties, they shall make their best efforts to settle the same through amicable consultation. If no settlement can be reached through consultation, the parties agree to submit the dispute to the People’s Court of Huangpu District in Guangzhou for litigation.

4. If any provision of this Agreement is held wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable, other provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding.

5. This Agreement is the final, complete and exclusive agreement between You and us, and replaces and supersedes previous discussions and agreements of the parties on the same subject matter. Without our written consent, you may not transfer the rights and obligations provided for in this Agreement. Any attempted transfer in violation of the foregoing sentence shall be null and void.

6. Contact us

nAddress : Jiajia Industrial Park, Eastern New District,Chengdu, Sichuan

nP.O. : 610000

nTel : 400-111-9001

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